Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What Is Sports Nourishment?

A recent college graduate was in our office the other day visiting his Mom. I asked him what was next for him now that he had his Bachelors Degree. His response was: "I think I will go for my Masters in Sports Nourishment". I had absolutely no idea what that is, so I set out to learn.

Basically, I learned that Sports Nourishment mixes the fields of nutrition and exercise science.

While the concentration on most eating patterns is to reduce intake of calories and frequently to limit the consumption of carbs, it is obvious that sports nutrition is a little different.

Professional, and competitive athletes employ a large quantity of calories to fuel their bodies. Carbs are the body's ideal choice for fuel and this fuel is stockpiled in the muscles as glycogen. Proteins are wanted to help reconstruct and repair damaged cells of the body.

Wikipedia tells me' Glycogen functions as the secondary long-term energy storage in animal cells and forms an energy reserve that can be quickly mobilized to meet a sudden need for glucose, but one that is less compact than the energy reserves of triglycerides (lipids).'

Everyone understands that getting their nutrition right will make a significant difference to the way an athlete performs.

Okay, I can figure that out.

How about the exercise science? This, I learned combines coaching, the treatment of injury, the prevention of injury, and body conditioning. Plus lots more.

Sports Nourishment Masters candidates must study anatomy and physiology. They should also take a course in chemistry. To name just part of the curriculum. This is no slough off field.

So what are the job possibilities? Look at this partial list:

independent expert Sports Nourishment to the public,

sports coaching camps,

rehab centers,

fitness centers

diet drinks corporations

personal coaches

diet consultants,

diet consultants and advisers for pro sportsmen

beginners who need to improve their physical performances

concentrate on certain sports or groups of related sports.

consultant job in the gymnasium, as a resource for its members and groups.

pro sports teams and varsities

Lots of possibilities in this field. I believe we have a young man here who is after a real education in an ever growing field. I'm impressed.

Awesome, Garret! Wishing you much success.

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