Friday, August 27, 2010

Little bit of Childhood Heroes

A coach's responsibility does not end here. More than teaching the children how to play the game, as well as giving them the support to get through the game, are certain things that children and youth may need to hear while they are playing.

It is up to the coach to make sure that everyone who is playing the game understands what it means to get through a game, work as a team, and do so to the best of their ability. This will allow the children to understand what it means to finish their work in excellence. This will especially be seen if the children win the game and see the outcome of their hard work.

There is an old proverb that says that it takes an entire community to raise a child. Even if you aren't a certain child's parent, you can influence them in order to grow up to be a better person. One of the easiest ways to do this is as a coach. The characteristics that you show the children and youth through each game will give them qualities to look back on, all which will help them throughout their life.

The major way that a coach can influence children is simply by being dedicated to a game. If you know sports at all, you know exactly what it takes to simply play a game. One of the major qualities that you need in order to get through a game is goals. Sometimes this is the goal to win, while others it is simply to make it through the entire game. Along with this, you will be influencing the children to persevere through the game, no matter how hard it is and to be determined to finish. All of these qualities will help the children have a foundation for the rest of their life in whatever they do.

Of course, every coach knows that it is not about winning the game, instead it is the process. This specific message will need to be given to the kids after every single defeat that they work through.

You will want to make sure that they understand it is not the outcome of the game that is important, but rather, the process that they went through in order to finish the accomplishment of the game. If you are a coach, understanding how to deal with loss can help show those who are playing the sport a mature way to approach several situations.

Being a coach is more than showing children how to play a game. It is also showing them what it takes to get through any scenario that they may come up against in their life. As a coach, you will be building a foundation for them to succeed, and to understand that success is more than the final score board.

Expression YourSelf

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Boosting Sports to Boost Self-Esteem

One of the largest factors that several youth deal with today is in relation to their self-esteem. Several suffer by looking at themselves as not good enough. This may range from seeing their body image in the wrong light to seeing their mental states as not quite right. There are ways to help youth with their self-esteem. By suggesting and supporting things like sports, you will be certain to decrease their chances at unhealthy activities from a low self-esteem.

It is known that when children enter into school, they will generally have a high self-esteem. More than eighty percent of children in the first grade will start out by thinking highly of themselves and believing that they can do anything. By the time these same children reach the fifth grade, the attitude towards themselves and the self-esteem has dropped to about twenty percent. By the time children graduate from high school, the amount that has a high self esteem is at a low of five percent.

Along with the low self-esteem come things such as drug use, early sex, and failure with steps towards a career. At the same time, it is also being found that those who play sports are less likely to take part in these activities. Instead, those who play sports are more likely to develop a higher self-esteem and participate in positive activities. Because the children and youth are being challenged to succeed, and encouraged to continue through the use of a team and the sport, they are able to develop a better insight towards their own self-image.

The idea of self-esteem in sports has become such a major component of the sports, that several areas are now committed to giving more youth activities outside of school specifically to battle low self-esteem and offer alternatives for success. It is being found that no matter what type of physical activity or sport the youth participate in, it is helping to build them into better adults with a more positive outlook on whom they are.

If you notice any type of anxiety, depression, or negative reaction from your child, their self-esteem may need some help. If you want to make sure that they graduate from high school feeling good about their accomplishments, then you can enroll them in a physical activity to help out. By doing this, you will be able to give them another option away from the negative outlook that they may have.

Expression YourSelf

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Should you Becoming a Parent for Activity

Sometimes, encouraging your child to join a sport isn't as easy as it looks. Of course, as a parent, you understand the benefits of them going outside and being part of a physical activity. Most likely, you have also seen the benefits of working on a team and working towards accomplishing goals that are in sports specifically. This is important to keep in perspective with what your child needs. Even though you may see it as beneficial, it may not be to their benefit.

One of the most detrimental things you can do to your kid is force them to take a sport. At first, it is good to encourage them to try, and make your best efforts to getting them to all of the practices and all of the games. It is your position and your role to make sure that they participate in a physical activity, and specifically a sport, if you believe that it will be good for their mental and physical health.

Understanding what your child needs and giving them insight into what will help them out the most is an important part of learning to raise a child. Sometimes, this is not seen as easily as others, but it is important to keep the right influences in perspective. As a parent, one of the best things you can give your child is the ability to decide whether they want to play in sports.

The perspective of this is how much you should encourage your child to join a sport. If you force them to go to the sport, it may turn them off from physical activity. You will want to see why the child or youth doesn't want to join a sport, and find alternative routes to help them get physical activity. This can help them to overcome any problems they might be having with the physical sport. The important key is to help them find something that they love to play in order to enhance their physical activities.

If you want to make sure that your child is getting the exercise that they need, as well as some fundamental values, then encouraging them to join a sport is one of the best ways to do this. However, when you do this, you will want to make sure that you are offering them what is needed by them both physically and mentally. This will help to give them the support they need and encourage them to participate in the sport whole heartedly and effectively.

Expression YourSelf

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Basic Skills of Volleyball

The worst situation that a volleyball team could be in is to show up at a game without knowing what skills they needed to win the game. Hitting the ball, being in the right place, and playing competitively can help to win the game as well as gain confidence in the sport.

Focusing on the basics for volleyball can help you to gain the skills you need for every game.

1. Serving. This is what always starts the game and helps to keep the game. There are two basic types of serves. One is overhand; where the player will throw the ball in the air first, then hit it. The second is underhand, where the server will hold the ball and swing their other arm underneath the ball to hit it. There are a variety of other serves beyond these basics, all which help to get the ball over the net, and get the game going.

2. Pass or reception. This is usually set up by the setter of the game. It is used in order to take the ball and give it to the other players on your own team. They will then have the ability to put the ball to the other side like they want to. You can either pass by the forearm or by hitting the ball overhead.

3. Tip. A tip is used as a way to trick the other team into thinking that the ball is going further than it will. The player will hit the ball lightly, making it go over the net but not too far into the other player's area so that they can't hit it back.

4. Dig. This is the ability for a player to save the ball from hitting the court after it has been spiked. It usually requires a player to slide underneath the ball on the court or to dive underneath the ball.

5. Rebound. This occurs when the ball stays on one side, making the players rebound, or take the ball back.

With all of these different hits for a ball, you will want to make sure that the players have the ability to move freely and effectively with every move. With all of these different hits, the players will need to connect where they want to hit the ball with the way that their feet move.

For example, a dig will require the feet to move under the body in order to save the ball. A serve will require more balance on both feet in order to hit the ball more effectively. This will be important to keep in mind as you are training players.

The basics of volleyball hits can lead a long way when you are working towards playing the game. If you are finding ways to teach techniques to players, this is the place to start. It will allow everyone to have a good chance at controlling and hitting the ball, no matter what the set up is.

Expression YourSelf

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Basketball Rundowns

As the head of a basketball team, or as a member; there are certain extra pieces of putting together a team that are important to remember. The game of basketball is more than preparing for a game or going to shoot some extra hoops. There are also several other approaches that can be used in order to help build the team and allow them to play their best.

The basics of making sure that basketball works for the entire team are to make sure that the right training is done. Most coaches will require that conditioning is done every day in order to keep the team in shape for the game.

Because of the high level of physical intensity on the court, it is best that the team knows how to move properly. This includes practicing running on the court, to conditioning the team to shoot, dribble and work as a team both offensively and defensively.

Of course, while conditioning and while one is in a game, injuries are likely to occur. It is not uncommon for one to fall while they are moving or to be pushed over by an opponent. You will want to make sure to remember who has had an injury, check on how well it is healing and to not push or strain the injury during practice or on the court. Taking care of the players is an integral part of playing the game properly.

Basketball isn't just about the physical needs that need to be met for every game. It is also about having a mental attitude that is dignified when playing the game. When one is playing a game, or practicing, there need to be certain behaviors that are enforced.

Respect for other players and the coach, dignity about the rules, and other types of attitudes may not win the game but will help the players to walk away with an understanding of what it takes to feel good after every game.

If you want to make sure that your team is playing the game of basketball properly, you don't want to stop on giving them the basics of how the game is played. Basketball is a game that calls for action by team members that can work together and understand how to win effectively. If you are coaching a team, you want to make sure that all of the needs of the team are met so they can walk onto the court with the right mindset.

Expression YourSelf

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Basic Offense

Like any other game, you will want to be certain that you have both an offense and defense in place. This is no exception to volleyball and can help your team to play their best. Whether they are working on keeping the ball in the air, or striking out the other team, you want to make sure that some basic offense is taken into consideration by all of the players.

The general rule for a good offensive team in volleyball is that they have the ability to play as a team. This will allow them to communicate the plays with each other in order to keep it exactly where they want it. The beginning of every good offensive play will begin with a setter. From here, the other members will want to play the ball.

It is not necessary to get the ball over the net right away, but instead to move the ball around on one side of the court in order to find a gap from the other team. When you are setting up your offense, you will want to make sure that the team doesn't hit the ball too aggressively. They should be able to hit the ball with their palm or fingers in order to keep it up without getting it over.

If you are setting up an offensive line, you can use several strategies to get everything in place. One of the techniques that are often used is known as overlaps. This allows players to get out of rotation while they are playing a game of volleyball.

This will allow the offensive players to stay in the forefront and to set up different plays for the game. By doing this, you will have the ability to set up different sets that can help get the ball over the net and onto the ground.

When you are working with offense, you will want to make sure that they know how to use team techniques in order to succeed. By showing different line ups, you can make sure that they are able to set the ball and find the gap on the other side of the court for the win. When you play the ball offensively it will give you a new strategy for taking the volleyball to where it belongs.

Expression YourSelf

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Basic Defense

Even when the ball isn't on your side of the court, it is important to be ready for it to get there. Hitting back at exactly the right time is an important defensive rule for any volleyball game. There are several techniques that can be used for the defense part of volleyball; all which will help prevent the team from missing the hit.

The first thing that will need to be done as a defensive team is to be ready for the serve. The best way to do this is to make sure that everyone is positioned in order to block the ball from falling. Being in a position where knees are slightly bent and the legs are ready to move in any direction is a good beginning.

Generally, you will want to make sure that both the front line and back line are covering a wide range of space and are able to hit the ball. Often times, coaches will have the front line step slightly back and have the back line step forward in order to cover the space that is needed.

After everyone is set in the right positions, they will need to be ready to attack the ball when it gets to their side. This will begin by being ready for the attack. It is best to get the ball when it is right below your chin. This will make it easier to hit, and you will be able to do so with more power. You will also want to get under the ball in order to keep it off the ground and going towards the other side of the court.

From here, the most important part of playing defensively is to block the ball. Each player should act like the ball is coming towards them, and should be ready to stop it from a fall when they see it. Part of the blocking may be to make sure that if a block is missed, someone else grabs the ball. Other players should be ready to block the ball by the net, just in case it comes too close to hitting the net and falling.

By being prepared and paying attention for the serve, a game can easily take the turn from a defensive line to an offensive one. If your team is getting ready to receive a ball from the other side, you will want to make sure that they are also ready to defend their territory. By doing this, they will be able to set the ball like they want and get it away from where they don't want the ball.

Expression YourSelf

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Communicating as a Coach

Every member looks to specific signs in order to be sure that they are being the most effective in their game. One of the major signs that every player is going to look at is the coach. If you are a coach, you will want to make sure to use all of the signs that you can in order to make game time more effective and fun for those that are playing the game with you.

Communication as a coach is more than just telling the players what to do. It is also responding to the players at an individual level, something that needs to be done with and without words. One of the major ways that a coach can communicate with the players is by sending out non-verbal messages.

For example, if you know that a player has done something right, but you can't run onto the field and tell them good job, then you can always let them know with your body language. You can do this same thing in order to communicate plays, how well individual members are playing, and to help motivate them when you can't be right by their side or lecturing them.

While you are communicating with your players, you will want to make sure that you keep everything in perspective. It is always best to combine the idea of character to win the game with other aspects of coaching. Even if you are working towards winning a game, you will want to make sure that you combine this with affection towards the efforts that the different members are making while they are playing. Sometimes showing affection and compassion towards everyone's efforts will be the best motivation to keep the players in the game.

More than coaching players on the next move that they need to make is being a coach that is open to the possibilities of knowing what the team needs. By expressing this through your character, you will have the ability to make sure that all of the players are able to respond by playing a better game, knowing that there is confidence and the right message sent from the coach.

Expression YourSelf